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jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

Aquí la entrevista de H&M (ingles)

1. Why is it important for you to be a part of the FAA?

Bill: It's cool that we have the opportunity to support such an important project. This is such an important topic for young people! My brother Tom started early with these things. AIDS is a huge topic and we think it's a fantastic idea to do the campaign with special shirts. We're sending out a great message.

2. What can you say to your fans about protection?

Bill: We both agree that sex is amazing, but it's essential to be careful, which isn't that difficult. Just use condoms and you can go wild like Tom.

3. Describe your personal style.

Bill: I'm a huge fan of jackets. I love second hand jackets! Tom has more of a hip hop style.
Tom: ...a more relaxed style.
Bill: Tom's style doesn't fit our music, but he doesn't listen. I'll keep on telling least for now we managed to wear the same shirt.
Tom: As you can see, the shirt looks better on me.
Bill: Sure...

4. What's your favorite piece of clothing?

Bill: I love jewelry - I have a whole suitcase full of silver jewelry. Aside from that, I collect jackets in all colours and shapes you can imagine.
Tom: Bill also has crazy underwear - some have a special opening in the front.
Bill: Yeah!Tom: Fancy underwear with style and some even have sequins on them.
Bill: True.

5. What part of your t-shirt design do you like the most?
Bill: Obviously the design was mostly my job.
Tom: But I came up with the punch line - no doubt!
Bill: Sure, we tried to come up with a short punch line. I already have millions of skull items and thought it was cool picture. We also used our logo instead of the stars...I'm sure everyone know what this means. I think it's a great shirt now. Tom wasn't happy about the pink.
Tom: True...
Bill: ...but it turned out great!

6. How can music affect people in a positive way?

Bill: I started out very early writing songs and poured all my fears, worries and experiences in there. Some have a diary - I write songs. It's great to share personal topics with the outside world. We have an amazing opportunity to reach people with our message. There are so many fans who listen to our music and who visit us at concert and that enables us to support such an awesome initiative like "Fashion Against AIDS". People enjoy an important message when it comes from their favorite band in contrast to hearing it from their teacher.
Tom: Especially, from their favorite guitarist.
Bill: I totally recall how I felt in school when teachers tried to lecture me. Back then I preferred to play games or plug in my earphones instead of listening. I think this campaign is a great way to convey a message and you also get a wicked T-shirt.

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