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domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

"Real fans against stalkers... We support Tom" (inglés)

Aquí esta la info. en inglés para que más personas lo puedan entender y nos apoyen publicandolo en sus sitios.....¡Gracias por su apoyo!

“Tokio Hotel's guitar player hits a fan” It seemed untrue when I saw the news. Could this be true? It’s real or just a rumor just like many others on the internet? Unfortunately it isn’t. Thousands of newspapers and websites talks about Tom’s attitude. They have been writing about this in the last few days, giving details and different points of view that in my opinion are stuck on the problem’s surface.

We can’t forget that in this “fight” two people were involved. We are tired of reading how they destroy our favorite guitar player, but What about the fan? What’s going on with the girl? Media treated her as “the victim.” Does this is completely true? I have been talking and talking about this. This has gone too far and must stop. What, or who has to be stopped? The “fans” or better said stalkers. Girls that almost live in front of Kaulitz’s home, who destroy private property to enter the studio. Girls that violates private property just to get a photo. The ones that bother Kaulitz’s mother. Who could do such things? Of course I’m talking about the French woman and friends that present charges against Tom. She is the on that has been doing this, and not for days or weeks… She’s been doing it for almost a year!

New information is known. The woman could be part of a group self-named “Afghans on tour” (How sick they must be to create a group to harass artists?) I don’t justify Tom’s attitude. Violence is never the answer. Tom Kaulitz didn’t act right, and believe me, he knows it. But this type of people are just STALKERS (for saying it nicely) that are making us, real fans, look bad.

I’ve been thinking. If our goals became one when supporting them voting or in that kind of events… Why don’t do it now? This are hard times for our guys and we have to show them what we are made of. “Real fans against stalkers… We support Tom” Is the idea of a fan-action whose goal is to spread the facts so that everyone could make their own judgment. Also to show that real fans known that they are just normal people and that we respect their privacy.

The idea is that you get together with your fan club (if you are a member of one) and if not you can gather with your fan-friends (the more the better) and took a photo of you with a cartel made by yourselves that includes the flag and name of your country, and of course: “Real fans against stalkers… We support Tom”. With this photos we would make an album and gave it to the band. (NOTE: If you are a lot and you don’t fit very well on the picture you can take more than one)

Only with your help we can make that all the fans around the world knows about it. So tell everyone!

If you have a comment, question or whatever you can e-mail us at: or ( If you are sending a photo please put in text the name of your country and in case of being a member the name of your club)

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